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Anne Stone: Ancient DNA of Humans and Their Pathogens
Dr Anne Stone-Leprosy, the Black Death, & the White Plague-What Ancient DNA tells us about Pathogens
CARTA: Ancient DNA and Anthropogeny with Anne Stone
Origins and evolutionary history of a major pathogen | Anne Stone | ISEMPH
Tracking a Killer: The Origin and Evolution of Tuberculosis | Anne Stone
Lucy 50 Monthly Lecture Series—Anne Stone PhD
Bones, mummies, tuberculosis and ancient DNA (Helen Donoghue 17 March 2016)
Imagining the Future of Anthropogeny with Pascal Gagneux, Robert Kluender, Anne Stone
PAG XXVIII Plenary Talk - Anne Stone
CARTA: Ancient DNA and Human Evolution – Prehistoric Human Biology as Inferred from Dental Calculus
Anne Stone
4,000-year-old plague DNA found in Britain